Grasscutter Production And Management*
Some basic facts about grasscutter with
regards to reproduction are as follows:
*Sexual maturity:* Male grasscutters mature
in 8 months or 32 weeks and they have a
minimum body weight of 2.5kg while the
female grasscutters mature in 6.5 months or
26 weeks having a minimum body weight
of 1.8kg.
*Sex ratio:* 1 male can service 4 to 10
*Ovulation:* Just like female rabbits (does)
, female cane-rats start ovulating on
sighting a male
*Gestation period:* 152 days
*Numbers of litters per year:* 2 litters
*Number of young per litter:* 3-11 young
*Suckling period:* 40 days before weaning
*Selection for Breeding*
In grasscutter production, random selection
should be avoided. You should procure the
best animals from the nearest breeding
center or another grasscutter breeder.
Additionally, when making your selection, it
should be based on body weight. All the
females within a family should be having
almost the same body weight and the male
grasscutter should be 0.5-1kg heavier than
the females. Don’t buy or breed closely
related mating pairs; that is, a male closely
related to the females.
*Mating in grasscutters*
A male grasscutter is capable of mating with
many females grasscutters in a single
period. The male should be placed in the
mating pen and the female grasscutter is
moved from her own pen to the male’s
pen. Leave both in the pen for 24 hours.
*Note:* Don’t move the male to the female
pen because it may result to fight and
mating may not occur. Also, avoid mating a
male that is lighter than the female in
*There are two mating options in
grasscutter farming:*
1. *Permanent mating :* Here, the male and
female grasscutters are allowed to mate
together in the same pen but the young are
moved to another pen after they have been
2. *Temporary mating :* Here, the female
is placed together with the male until she is
pregnant and she is moved to another pen.
Both permanent and temporary matings
have their advantages and disadvantages.
*Advantages of permanent mating*
Increased breeding cycle
*Disadvantage of permanent mating*
*Difficult to identify the mother of each
*Less control over reproduction
*Risk of cannibalism
*Risk of exhausting reproductive females
*Under-exploitation of the male
*Advantages of temporary mating*
*Clear identification of mother and
*Excellent management of breeding process
*Reduced risk of adult male killing
*Disadvantages of temporary mating*
Increased investment (several pens needed)
Need for larger space to house females
Reduced number of litters per female and
per year
The gestation period for grasscutters or
cane-rats is 152 days. After your male and
female grasscutters must have mated with
each other, it is necessary to check if the
female is pregnant.
*Pregnancy test*
4-8 weeks after mating, carefully insert a
cotton bud into the genital of the female. If
it changes color to red, then that grasscutter
is pregnant. If there is no discolouration,
then the female is not pregnant.
Newborn grasscutters resemble adult ones.
Within a few hours, they can move around.
After the female has delivered, she must be
provided with enough feeds and water for
adequate milk production.
*Weaning grasscutters*
You should wean your newborn grasscutters
40 days after they are born. This is
necessary because any extension will make
the mother to grow weak due to prolonged
breastfeeding. When weaning, separate the
males from the females. You can identify a
male grasscutter by distancing the genitals
and anus, which is twice as large as those
in the young females.
*Feed* They feed on almost all kind of
root crops, can grass, different type of
leaves and vegetables and also there are
specially formulated fattening feed from the
feed mill just like the rabbit, fishery,
piggery and poultry feed sold in bags of
25kg and 50kg.
*Cost of breed stock* Ideal male breed
stock is sold for #10,000 naira while the
female is sold for #8,000 naira; therefore
we supply a family of 1 male and 5 female
for #50,000. And also 5 females with 2
meals for #60,000
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